Upcoming Conference: Workshop & Two Lectures
The International College of Integrative Medicine features Dr. Karen von Merveldt-Guevara, for two lectures and a lead-in workshop at our spring conference “What Works in Clinical Medicine” in Cincinnati, OH, April 18-22, 2018.
All Day Workshop:
Radically New Perspectives & Treatment Options: Nutritional Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) cross-referenced with Comprehensive Blood Panels — Venue at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Wednesday, April 18, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Lecture One:
Untapped Resources: Thyroid Lab Tests as Gateway To Assess Mineral Status, Detoxification Capacity, Liver Function, And Hormonal Balance — Venue at the Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center, Friday, April 20, 11:45am
Lecture Two:
Issues in the tissues: Radically New Perspectives & Treatment Options: An introduction to Nutritional Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) — Venue at the Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center, Friday, April 20, 3:00pm
Register online via Eventbrite or download this form Attendee Registration
Have you ever thought: “Bernard was right”? That “the terrain”, the tissue composition, is possibly more important than “the germ” other than in acute infections?
Do you know that magnesium and potassium depletion are rampant in our nation? That lack of magnesium and potassium together with an increased calcium to potassium ratio, and lack of selenium, lithium and iodine in tissue is the underlying cause of thyroid dysfunction, blood sugar dysregulation and if present for longer, metabolic syndrome? That fibromyalgia presents with a similar pattern of high calcium, low magnesium, low potassium?
That potassium depletion does not show in blood labs until it is “5 to 12”?
That with the widespread use of glyphosates and organophosphates manganese is one of the most missing minerals in our bodies? That manganese is required for mitochondrial function and energy production? That we as a nation are facing an exponential increase in chronic health issues with mitochondrial impairment?
Have you ever wondered how we could track the natural mineral depletion as it occurs under chronic stress in our patients, and pick them up where they are to replete their emptied stores?
Have you marveled about a possible sequence in which these minerals need to be “replenished”?
If these and similar questions have been on your mind, come join us to get the answers and tools at hands to resolve many chronic health issues! See how triglycerides can “melt”, HbA1 c can normalize, and Hashimoto’s can be gone in an average of 6 months on proper mineral and vitamin supplementation. Participate in learning and hands-on evaluations of Nutritional Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and Routine Lab Panels. The first 5 participants, who are interested in volunteering for the afternoon session of cross-referencing HTMAs and lab panels, please contact me at harmoniamundi@gmail.com for a free HTMA and information on required lab panel (max. $227).
Let’s go back to the basics and have some enlightening, fun!
Karen von Merveldt-Guevara MD
“The International College of Integrative Medicine features Dr. Karen von Merveldt-Guevara, for two lectures and a lead-in workshop at our spring conference “What Works in Clinical Medicine” in Cincinnati April 18-22. She is providing a lead-in workshop that will kick off the conference program April 18 and will later be re-capped in a lecture entitled “Radically new perspectives & treatment options: An introduction to nutritional hair tissue mineral analysis.”
She will provide additional teaching through “Untapped Resources: Thyroid lab tests as gateway to assess mineral status, detoxification capacity, liver function, and hormonal balance.”
ICIM (www.ICIMed.com) is a non-profit medical association which has been providing high quality continuing education for 32 years. Join our brightest and best as we share our experiences, question claims, and examine the evidence with refreshed rigor and enthusiasm this Spring in Cincinnati. Using a new AAFP CME Credit System called Blended Learning, we will engage in a hybrid of activities beyond traditional lectures and journals to put our heads together and move beyond opinion or hyperbole to create an action plan that will change your practice, adding new ideas that work for your patients. Learn more at www.IntegrativeMedicineConference.com.”