Dr. von Merveldt-Guevara Stepped In And Literally Saved My Son’s Life

“In May 2016, my (just turned) 1 year old son went into crisis. He had seizures every few minutes and was consequently diagnosed with Clonic-Tonic seizures, that no anti-epileptic drug would help. Thankfully, Dr. von Merveldt-Guevara stepped in and literally saved my son’s life.
Xavier had been seizing for over 3 days, when Karen told me to get magnesium and give the specific amount to him in his bottle, while we were waiting for the hair analysis results. We gave Xavier the magnesium for just over 12 hours, when the seizures stopped. It was a life saving breakthrough. Karen tweaked his mineral dosages according to his hair analysis, and continues to do so, as he grows and thrives.
Karen saved Xavier’s life. To this day, Seizure Specialists and Pediatric Neurologists are amazed at Xavier’s excellent health, and praise Karen for her work. A slight speech delay, that is being resolved through speech therapy, is the only lasting effects of his life-threatening Tonic-Clonic seizures. Thanks to Karen and her tireless work to keep Xavier in optimal health, he has not seized since that event.  Karen is diligent, careful, dedicated, and kind, and I can’t imagine anyone else being as incredible as Karen was, especially throughout such a difficult situation.
Thank you for saving Xavier, Karen.  I owe you more then I can ever repay. Many hugs and thanks,”
Xavier’s Mom – VA